Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Horoscopes Natal

Natal Horoscopes for your Mother

Want to really put a smile on your mother's face? Here you'll discover what makes your mum tick, why she's special and above all give you advice on what gifts will make her day!

For an extra special gift that's truly unique, why not send her a Natal Horoscope - or even her very own horoscope forecast for a week, month or even year! Visit the chartshop by clicking here.

Mar21-Apr20 Aries
Apr21-May21 Taurus
May22-Jun21 Gemini
Jun22-Jul23 Cancer
Jul24-Aug23 Leo
Aug24-Sep23 Virgo
Sep24-Oct23 Libra
Oct24-Nov22 Scorpio
Nov23-Dec21 Sagittarius
Dec22-Jan20 Capricorn
Jan21-Feb19 Aquarius
Feb20-Mar20 Pisces

Your Aries Mum

She’s Special Because: she is bright, dazzling and energetic. She loves to be active and doesn’t care if the dusting doesn’t get done.

She’s a great friend and she always wants to be a part of things. She’s determined to make sure that her family gets as much as possible out of life. She knows how to have fun and she never stays mad at you for long.

She will always take an active interest in your life and friendships. She will never lie to you or try to curb you with unrealistic demands or expectations. Gifts to delight her: a new mobile phone, driving lessons, a lottery ticket, diamond ear-rings, a crystal vase.

Click here for more Mother Natal Horoscopes

Horoscopes and Astrology for Women

Free Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly Online Horoscopes

Friday, 20 June 2008

Big Brother Zodiac

Which of the Big Brother Contestants would you get on best with?

Love ‘em or hate ‘em, if you were in the Big Brother house which contestants would you get on best with and who would you least like to have in the bed next to you?
All the Zodiac signs are related to an Element and those sharing the same element are often compatible emotionally, sexually and mentally. There is at least one contestant you would hit it off with.

To find out who this is, select your sign below:

FIRE: Aries, Sagittarius, Leo

EARTH: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

AIR: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

WATER: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Check your Name Compatibility with the Big Brother housemates, enter your FULL birth name to discover who you would be most like!