Wednesday, 28 November 2007

The Real Counties of Britain - Xmas Gift Ideas

The Real Counties of Britain - Written by Russell Grant

This is a look at each of the 86 counties of Britain. The physical shape of the counties is looked at first with an emphasis on the natural features which have determined their shape.
Visit Russell Grants Book Shop Today - Personalised Books Available!

The history and culture of each county is then discussed. This includes the dramatic events that have left their mark in historical sites, ruined castles and enduring monuments, and those specialities and customs that have been handed down through the generations. Added to this is a look at the local architecture such as the tin mines of Cornwall, and the townscapes of Bath, Edinburgh, Liverpool or Cambridge.

The classic sites such as Blackpool Tower and Cheddar Gorge are covered along with the prettiest villages that can be found off the beaten track. Ordnance Survey have created mapping specifically for the book. These show key routes as well as the existing and original county boundaries.

Hardcover 256 pages

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Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Angel Cards - Russell Grant Online Website


Welcome to Russell Grant's Unique and Inspirational deck of angel cards.

You can gain an Inspirational message for your day ahead - or even when you are tempted to do something you really shouldn't - the Angel Cards will help you reflect and guide you.

Relax and reflect on your current situation.

To use the angel deck - simply visit Russell Grants Angel Cards and enter your name, email address - together with any question you want to gain inspiration for.

Horoscopes - Angel Cards - Body & Spirit - Bingo & Competitions - Pet Horoscopes

Wednesday, 26 September 2007

Christmas 2007 Gift Ideas - Dream Dictionary for Her!

Illustrated Dream Dictionary by the One and Only Russell Grant!

Britain's Best Loved Astrology has written the most entertaining, colourful, and comprehensive Dream Dictionary ever!!

Look up over 2,000 topics from A to Z, including people, events, places, and objects, and find out their actual meanings. Enjoy the entrancing illustrated borders and gorgeous, full-colour interpretations of common themes like "The Bride and Groom," "The Castle of Dreams," "Prince and Princess," and other fascinating subjects. Uncover the mysteries of the mind with the help of the most entertaining, colourful, and comprehensive Dream Dictionary ever.

If you would like your Book to be Personally Signed just fill in their Details and this can easily be arranged!

Free Fortune Cookie

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Dream Books, Russell Grant Dream Dictionary, Christmas Gift Ideas, Personalised Books, Dictionary for Dreams


Here you will find your passport to your day, week, month and even year ahead; with three of the leading astrologers - Russell Grant, Philip Garcia and Carole Somerville.

Confused which star sign you are? Want to know in-depth about your personality - or indeed your personal future? Try your FREE natal horoscope report - which comes with a birth chart which is the map to how you work, rest and play!

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Astro Locations

If you'd like to find true love, restore your health, make your career, have a family or just find the places in the World where you can enjoy great sex - this report is for you!

This amazing report overlays your natal horoscope (all the planet positions when you were born); over the World to analyse the best and the worst places for you under 12 headings - including those mentioned above!

View Sample Astro Report

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24hr Personal Horoscopes

Call Russell Grant on : 0905-062-3000
Calls to Russell's Astrology lines cost 60p/min. *Calls to Live psychic lines cost £1.50/min. PO Box 322, WA15 8YL. You must be 18 or over to use this service.

All calls recorded for protection and safety and this service is regulated by ICSTIS.

Free Dating Service

Dating Stories - Success!

Wednesday, 12 September 2007

Emailing A Psychic

Email A Psychic

Do you have a burning question?

Whether you're thinking about a new job, moving house or looking for more of an insight when it comes to your love life.

No matter what questions you have - you can ask one of our highly talented psychics who have been offering psychic guidance all over the world for many years with amazing results!

Simply ask your question and receive a confidential reply direct to your email address.

No fuss - No delays .... Just answers!

You can select from two options - a quick answer to your question - the Psychic will answer your burning question in around 1 page reply; or you can choose to have the psychic give a more detailed and in-depth look into your question and surrounding areas with up to 4 pages in reply.

Our team of highly skilled and hand-picked psychics will try to answer your questions as quickly as possible (but please allow 24hrs for the quick answer option and 72 hrs if you choose to have them look at the in-depth question).

Simply select the service from the two options below - and proceed to ask your question.

Quick Answer

Ideal if you have a burning question you need answering - handy for advice on choices you have to make or a "Will I" type question...

Click Here for a sample Quick answer response
Consult your psychic NOW for £13.95

If you require a more in-depth response - or your question is complex - an in-depth consultation would provide you with the answers to help your decision.
Click here for a sample In-depth response
Consult your psychic NOW for £29.95

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Russell Grants Recent Work Portflio

Russell Grant

Visit his website at

Russell Grant is the UK’s leading and best loved astrologer. His experience has been painstakingly built up over 20 years of newspaper, radio and television and online experience; never, in all that time has Russell Grant failed to provide his clients and customers with their required content.

Russell Grant currently writes for over 450 regional daily and weekly newspapers throughout the United Kingdom and appears daily on Channel 5 TV with his U.K. and European based programme "Postcards".He has just completed a highly successful series “The Russell Grant Show” for Sky One and is about to start filming a “Russell Grant Discovers Ocean Cruising” programme for Sky Travel.

Russell’s latest work – The Book of Birthdays was recently published in New York and was such a best seller that it has just been released in the UK.Russell is currently working on a new book for Random House Publishing.

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Wednesday, 22 August 2007


Russell Grant Horoscopes

Russell Grant brings his own special skills and interpretative powers to create for you, very special, unique and individually calculated computerised horoscopes, birth charts and Psychic Readings.


Choose from our popular range of Russell's Psychic reports - Instrumental in your life, delivering direction in every aspect ... Love, Romance, Friendships, Money, Career, Potential .... Enlighten yourself with Russell's Natal Horoscope - or your relationship with a Compatibility Report. Horoscope forecasts are available, from a single day to a year all calculated using your own birth date, time and place!